The Authenticity Behind The Voice

I had a LinkedIn post recommended to me that talked about the pilot who took the time to show their face and introduce themselves to the passengers. The result was a feeling of trust and safety for this passenger. But I think the author of the post assigns too much value to the “face” and not enough to what was behind the pilot’s approach. It was the authenticity of the approach that created meaning.

Personal Goals – My 2020 Strategy

The new year is upon us and for those that know me or have read some of my year end posts over the years you know I like to use this time to set some personal goals. I am not a believer in New Years Resolutions, but I do think it is a great time […]

Shake It Off and Step Up

Shake It Off and Step Up

I had this pop-up to me today from my list of inspirational items and thought it was worth sharing again. It is a great lesson on the power of learning to shake it off and step up. Shake It Off and Step Up One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal […]


Podcasts for Constant Learning

I am a strong believer in ongoing learning as a mandatory activity for anyone who is looking to progress in their life either personally or professionally. I am continually looking for new options for reading and learning everywhere I go and I try to bring a curious attitude to each new experience. I am always […]


Working Smarter Using the Eisenhower Matrix

Dwight Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States, serving as president from 1953 to 1961. He faced challenges such as the Korean War, the start of the space race, the Lebanon crisis, and a growing conflict with the Soviet Union. One of his famous quotes was: What is important is seldom urgent, and […]


Empathy Mapping – A Versatile Tool for your Toolbox

One of my favourite tools, when I’m working on innovation, strategic planning, marketing, or even just preparing for an important meeting where a key decision is needed, is Empathy Mapping. Empathy Mapping is a way to discover new insights into people, customer segments, or personas you have developed for your new product or marketing campaign. […]


Life Begins at the End of your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is the behavioural space where your patterns and routines minimize your stress and risk with a situation. It provides you with mental security and provides you with the obvious benefits of basic happiness, reduced anxiety, and lower stress. It is also one of the most important challenges to your success and enjoyment […]