
Skate Where The Puck Is Going

Unless you are just starting our in your business and have a completely clean slate you carry some baggage into each decision in the form of the outcomes of your previous decisions.  That baggage sets the foundation for your future decisions and can take the form of organizational structure, staffing decisions, technology investments, brand image […]


The Application of Design Architecture

I was speaking with a new team member yesterday, getting to know them a little bit and providing a high level overview of the work and the team and he said something that made me think, and I haven’t been able to shake it. As a former developer he related the story of joining the […]


New Year Goal Setting

While I don’t necessarily subscribe to the concept of New Years resolutions, I do believe that the New Year provides us with a good annual marker to check in on how we are doing against our personal roadmap and validate that our goals are still relevant and aligned to where we want to go. It’s […]


It’s The End of the World (And I Feel Fine)

So today marks the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar and it also marks the end of my work days for 2012 so I thought it made a fitting setting to wish everyone all the best in the pending apocalypse,  or over the holiday season, whichever turns out to be more accurate. Television […]

These Truths We Hold Self Evident

At one time or another we all suffer from a form of blindness. We are not blind in a physical visual way, but rather in our ability to step back and see the bigger picture. We are comfortable and confident in our own perception of things based on what we have experienced or heard that […]


Who Are The Leaders?

More and more often we are seeing organizations distance themselves from traditional title-based (VP, Director, etc) positions within their organizational structure and instead moving to a role-based structure.  Companies are looking carefully at each layer of the organization in order to create consistency in the activities performed at each level and drive efficiency and productivity […]


Never Turn Your Back On The Ocean

There is an old Hawaiian proverb that says “Never Turn Your Back On The Ocean”.  The people of Hawaii have a tremendous respect for the Ocean and it’s beauty, but also for it’s tremendous power.   One minute you may be relaxing in the sun enjoying the sun and surf, and in the next moment […]

Simplify Maze

Why Does Simple Feel So Complex?

Have you ever had to confabulate with someone who had a tendency to obnubilate issues through prestidigitation that resulted in turbulence in the communion of the broad team?  [Loose translation:  Have you ever had to talk with someone who confused the issues by making things more complex than necessary?] Many people have a basic primal […]


The Offshoring Leadership Dilemma

In a world that has gone mad for productivity in service-based industries, we are seeing more and more repeatable operations jobs either automated or sent to low cost service centres like India.  Now, as those low cost centres continue to grow and develop the capabilities of their workforce we are seeing more and more movement […]


What Are You Managing?

As a business owner you know that you are often called upon to wear many hats, working long hours to ensure the job gets done, your customer is satisfied, your staff are paid, next week’s marketing is complete, and your taxes and government remittances are taken care of.  After all it’s been said many times […]