The most effective organizations deliver with incredible pace and precision, with almost effortless coordination. They make it look easy. All the pieces work in unison towards a common goal. Every component has its purpose, which it knows with clarity. Each purpose supports the next. It’s almost as if high performing organizations are living beings. As […]
Author Archive: Tim Empringham, MBA
The Authenticity Behind The Voice
I had a LinkedIn post recommended to me that talked about the pilot who took the time to show their face and introduce themselves to the passengers. The result was a feeling of trust and safety for this passenger. But I think the author of the post assigns too much value to the “face” and not enough to what was behind the pilot’s approach. It was the authenticity of the approach that created meaning.
Coming Up For Air
It’s been a minute. I can’t believe it’s almost 4 years since I took the time to write. I can’t even put my finger on why I stopped. Probably something else I can attribute to the pandemic. Or laziness. Or maybe just a general lack of self-care. But I can tell you… I’ve missed it. […]
#BlackoutTuesday – Time to Listen
Today our social media is filled with black circles, black squares, and mentions of Black Lives Matter and #blackouttuesday. Some brands such as Apple (Apple Music) have made the day about celebrating some of the influential black voices in our society. But too many are still debating the protests in the United States and around the world and applying their own life lens to the stories that are playing out.
I Don’t Know… But Let’s Figure It Out!
If there ever was a time for leaders to realize the power of “I Don’t Know” it would have to be during a global pandemic! So often leaders believe they have to be the ones with the answers, but the reality is actually very different. Your team isn’t looking for you to have all the […]
The Great Coming Together (or why I’m a proud Canadian)
The past four weeks have been incredible on so many levels. The world has effectively shut down the global economy. Travel has stopped. People around the world are staying indoors and social distancing. Thousands and thousands of people are dying. The news is filled with sad stories, big numbers, graphs, and doom and gloom. But […]
Leadership in a time of Crisis
I had a family vacation planned for March break 2020 to Florida. It was a Christmas gift to my children from their grandparents and they were excited. A day at Disney World, a day at the Kennedy Space Center, and maybe even some fishing in the Gulf! And then the world changed… and we adapted. […]
Cultural Diversity and Leadership
There is virtually no industry today that hasn’t experienced a massive global shift over the past 15-20 years. Our teams are global, even if they aren’t located in different locations around the world. Our leadership style also has to change to support this cultural diversity.
Personal Goals – My 2020 Strategy
The new year is upon us and for those that know me or have read some of my year end posts over the years you know I like to use this time to set some personal goals. I am not a believer in New Years Resolutions, but I do think it is a great time […]
Don’t Move Fast and Break Things
By now we have all heard the Facebook developers mantra “Move Fast and Break Things” which has supported the rapid development of the Facebook platform. This trial and error approach to software development has driven massive growth in the speed of software development. But as Facebook and others have learned the hard way there is […]