
Throw Strikes With Your Pitches

Nothing strikes panic in the heart of many people in the same way as an opportunity to speak to a large crowd or to present to a Senior Executive.  Glossophobia is the formal name given to the fear of public speaking (or speaking in general for that matter). While it is an extremely common fear, […]


Good Enough to Great

Perfect is the enemy of good is an old proverb from Voltaire which asserts that a drive for perfectionism can prevent you from accomplishing a task at all. Especially when a good enough result could be achieved with far less effort. Perfect results are limited by the law of diminishing returns. By setting the bar […]


What’s the Why?

Many of us who started our professional lives in a problem solving role have become experts at diving in and developing (and delivering) elegant solutions when we think we see a problem brewing.  Unfortunately too often our tendency to “problem solve” prevents us from successfully defining the problem in the first place.  Our comfort zone […]


How Tired Is Your Metaphor?

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before… Many great joke tellers know to preface their jokes with this old saying, to prevent themselves from losing their audience with a joke or anecdote that their audience has heard before.  So why is it so rare for corporate storytellers to give their audience that same common […]


The “Art” of “Leadership”

In the 1920’s we saw the birth of the “big band“, an ensemble of up to 25 musicians that played a style of jazz that was more akin to orchestral music in its style with very little improvisation and primarily based on rote reading of sheet music – following the plan in a specific and […]


Leadership Health Care

Does your organization behave like many individuals when it comes to problem resolution, or do you have a proper health care system in place to manage issues? Many people (myself included) have a tendency to treat their symptoms with over the counter drugs or with non-medical remedies passed down through our families, even when the […]


Shooting Arrows at the Moon

About a week ago stories started surfacing about the possibility of resurrecting the Avro Arrow as a potential replacement for the troubled F-35 Stealth Fighter purchase for the Royal Canadian Air Force. For those who don’t share my adoration for the Arrow (otherwise known as the CF-105) I’ll provide a brief summary of its short […]


Snakes and Ladders

In “First Things First“, Stephen Covey categorized work into a four box grid aligned to the “importance” of work and the “urgency” of that work. the clear motivation is to stop doing those things that are both not urgent and not important. Second we need to have the strength to stop doing the things that […]


The Authenticity Army

A colleague of mine, Stewart Hayes, reached out to me a couple weeks ago with the brief message: I found another member of The Authenticity Army I hadn’t thought of the concept in that way before and it really made me reflect.  I know that Stewart and I share similar thoughts on doing the right […]


Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge

I came across this quote the other day in the book Disrupt by Luke Williams (from frog design) and it hit me in it’s simplicity: Imagination is more important than knowledge.-Albert Einstein Perhaps given the source I shouldn’t be surprised by the simplicity, but it’s such an obvious concept to me it got me to […]